The Penn State Alumni AssociationWhat’s been happening: Graduated Penn State 1939 Fort Monmouth, N.J. First LT., U.S. Signal Corps. Served U.S. Signal Corps to General Bradley Rhine River Kept Communication with Gen. Patton & Battle of Bulge to Gen. Maeuauliff end war in Europe. Shipped out from Marseilles France through Panama Canal, new job to attack Japan-outfit called JASCO at sea. When Atom Balms ended wars-JASCO sent to Philippines then army occupation in Japan 3 months Army Occupation Japan. Discharged military (Honorable). Home to see wife and daughter. Got Job at Stovid Engineering playfield N.J. 3 months took group offsite new to Hawaii to install flight Hawaii & in state to Washington went to Philadelphia secondary 3 years Episcopal Priest, Texas to N.J. under threat of KKK in Tex-ack to N.J. Epis. Priest, a founder of Drug Rehab., Atlantic City Penn State, Retired Priest to date |